
爬虫识别支持 IPv6 地址访问 了解详情


POWERNETUK - Digital Space Group Limited

全球 ASN 列表 > 英国 ASN > AS8689 详细信息
AS8689 POWERNETUK - Digital Space Group Limited


POWERNETUK - Digital Space Group Limited

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 英国

Whois 详细信息
aut-num:        8689
as-name:        POWERNETUK
org:            ORG-KSL1-RIPE
import:         from AS174 action pref=200; accept ANY
import:         from AS2818 action pref=100; accept AS-BBC
import:         from AS3213 action pref=100; accept AS-BOGONS
import:         from AS3344 action pref=100; accept AS-KEWLIO
import:         from AS4513 action pref=100; accept AS-GLOBIX
import:         from AS5400 action pref=200; accept ANY
import:         from AS5587 action pref=100; accept AS-BSVE
import:         from AS6067 action pref=100; accept AS-ONYX
import:         from AS6461 action pref=100; accept AS-ABOVE
import:         from AS6728 action pref=200; accept ANY
import:         from AS6770 action pref=100; accept AS-AEXIOMUS-P-LONAP
import:         from AS6871 action pref=100; accept AS-PLUSNETUK
import:         from AS6939 action pref=100; accept AS-HURRICANE
import:         from AS8190 action pref=100; accept AS-VIATEL
import:         from AS8282 action pref=100; accept AS-FIDONET
import:         from AS8330 action pref=100; accept AS8330
import:         from AS8401 action pref=100; accept AS-MAILBOX
import:         from AS8419 action pref=100; accept AS-HOTCHILLI
import:         from AS8421 action pref=100; accept AS8421
import:         from AS8426 action pref=100; accept AS-CLARANET
import:         from AS8468 action pref=100; accept AS-ENTANET
import:         from AS8553 action pref=200; accept ANY
import:         from AS8586 action pref=100; accept AS-REDNET
import:         from AS8622 action pref=100; accept AS-ISIONUK
import:         from AS8676 action pref=100; accept AS-PSYS
import:         from AS8686 action pref=100; accept AS-SYSONLINE
import:         from AS8838 action pref=100; accept AS-QIX-LONAP
import:         from AS8844 action pref=100; accept AS-COMMUNITY
import:         from AS8871 action pref=100; accept AS-CSI
import:         from AS8897 action pref=100; accept AS-MISTRAL
import:         from AS8910 action pref=100; accept AS8910
import:         from AS8943 action pref=100; accept AS-JUMP
import:         from AS9191 action pref=100; accept AS-NEWNET
import:         from AS12359 action pref=100; accept AS-INTELIDEAS
import:         from AS12390 action pref=100; accept AS-KINGSTONUK
import:         from AS12496 action pref=100; accept AS-IDNETUK
import:         from AS12519 action pref=100; accept AS-FASTNET
import:         from AS12621 action pref=100; accept AS-ONEANET
import:         from AS12682 action pref=100; accept AS-LTT
import:         from AS12787 action pref=100; accept AS-12787
import:         from AS13005 action pref=100; accept AS-C2INTERNET
import:         from AS13037 action pref=100; accept AS-ZEN
import:         from AS16303 action pref=100; accept AS-PROGRESS
import:         from AS16034 action pref=100; accept AS-KEME
import:         from AS16353 action pref=100; accept AS-MERULA
import:         from AS20500 action pref=100; accept AS-GRIFFIN
import:         from AS20799 action pref=100; accept AS-DATANETUK
import:         from AS21055 action pref=100; accept AS-WEBTAPESTRY
import:         from AS21267 action pref=100; accept AS-IZR
import:         from AS21396 action pref=100; accept AS-NETCONNEX
import:         from AS22822 action pref=100; accept AS-LLNW
import:         from AS24916 action pref=100; accept AS-ORBITAL
import:         from AS25048 action pref=100; accept AS-DSNETHOSTING
import:         from AS25061 action pref=100; accept AS-ANLX
import:         from AS25108 action pref=100; accept AS-BLACKCAT
import:         from AS25310 action pref=100; accept AS25310
import:         from AS25396 action pref=100; accept AS-KEWLIO
import:         from AS25463 action pref=100; accept AS-VIRTUALISP
import:         from AS25492 action pref=100; accept AS-BURSTFIRE
import:         from AS28956 action pref=100; accept AS-TSN
import:         from AS28986 action pref=100; accept AS-LOUDCLEAR
import:         from AS29006 action pref=100; accept AS-POBOX
import:         from AS29131 action pref=100; accept AS-49PENCE
import:         from AS29452 action pref=100; accept AS-SECURA
import:         from AS29527 action pref=100; accept AS-OTHELLOTECH
import:         from AS29636 action pref=100; accept AS-CATALYST2
import:         from AS30967 action pref=100; accept AS-INFINITY-HOSTING
import:         from AS31157 action pref=100; accept AS-RN
import:         from AS31339 action pref=100; accept AS-REACTIVE
import:         from AS31538 action pref=100; accept AS-UNITEDSERVERS-AS
import:         from AS31625 action pref=100; accept AS-EXALIA
import:         from AS33073 action pref=100; accept AS33073
import:         from AS34442 action pref=100; accept AS-XIFOS
import:         from AS35028 action pref=100; accept AS-MULTIPLAY
import:         from AS35551 action pref=100; accept AS35551
export:         to AS174 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS2818 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS3213 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS3344 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS4513 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS5400 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS5587 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS6067 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS6461 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS6728 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS6770 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS6871 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS6939 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8190 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8282 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8330 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8401 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8419 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8421 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8426 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8468 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8553 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8586 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8622 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8676 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8686 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8838 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8844 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8871 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8897 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8910 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS8943 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS9191 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS12359 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS12390 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS12496 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS12519 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS12621 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS12682 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS12787 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS13005 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS13037 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS16034 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS16303 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS16353 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS20500 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS20799 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS21055 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS21267 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS21396 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS22822 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS24916 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS25048 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS25061 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS25108 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS25310 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS25396 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS25463 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS25492 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS28956 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS28986 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS29006 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS29131 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS29452 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS29527 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS29636 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS30967 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS31157 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS31339 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS31538 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS31625 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS33073 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS34442 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS35028 announce AS-POWERNET
export:         to AS35551 announce ANY
export:         to AS3356 announce AS-POWERNET
import:         from AS3356 action pref=200; accept ANY
export:         to AS29550 announce AS-POWERNET
import:         from AS29550 action pref=200; accept ANY
admin-c:        AH1009
admin-c:        TNO2-RIPE
tech-c:         TNO2-RIPE
tech-c:         AH1009
tech-c:         NS4295-RIPE
status:         ASSIGNED
mnt-by:         TIMICO-MNT
mnt-by:         AS8689-MNT
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
created:        1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
last-modified:  2017-11-15T09:16:21Z
source:         RIPE

IPv4 地址范围
IPv4 地址段 描述 IP 数量 None 8192 None 256 None 1024 Digital Space Group Limited 8192
IPv6 地址范围

当前 AS8689 不存在任何 IPv6 地址。
