
爬虫识别支持 IPv6 地址访问 了解详情


OTEGLOBE - Ote SA (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation)

全球 ASN 列表 > 希腊 ASN > AS12713 详细信息
AS12713 OTEGLOBE - Ote SA (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation)


OTEGLOBE - Ote SA (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation)

Greece 希腊

Whois 详细信息
aut-num:        12713
org:            ORG-OSTO1-RIPE
as-name:        OTEGlobe
descr:          6-8 Agisilaou Str., 15123 Maroussi, Hellas
descr:          Tel: +30 210 8762500, www.oteglobe.gr
remarks:        ----------------------------------------------------
remarks:        | NOC contact (24x7): +30 697 8119459 |
remarks:        ----------------------------------------------------
remarks:        ====================================================
remarks:        DEUTSCHE TELEKOM
import:         from AS3320 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS3320 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        LEVEL3
import:         from AS3356 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS3356 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        CABLE&WIRELESS
import:         from AS1273 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS1273 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        TELIA SONERA
import:         from AS1299 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS1299 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        TURK TELECOM
import:         from AS6663 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS6663 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        FACEBOOK
import:         from AS32934 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS32934 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        LEASEWEB
import:         from AS16265 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS16265 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        GOOGLE
import:         from AS15169 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS15169 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        APPLE
import:         from AS714 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS714 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        AMAZON
import:         from AS16509 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS16509 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        NETFLIX
import:         from AS2906 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS2906 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        CORE BACKBONE
import:         from AS33891 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS33891 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
import:         from AS15133 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS15133 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        CDN77
import:         from AS60068 action pref=100; accept ANY
export:         to AS60068 announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        ALBTELECOM
import:         from AS42313 action pref=500; accept AS-42313
export:         to AS42313 announce ANY
remarks:        CYTA
import:         from AS6866 action pref=500; accept AS-CYTANET
export:         to AS6866 announce ANY
remarks:        MAKTEL
import:         from AS6821 action pref=500; accept AS-MTNET
export:         to AS6821 announce ANY
remarks:        OMANTEL
import:         from AS8529 action pref=500; accept AS-OMANTEL
export:         to AS8529 announce ANY
remarks:        OTENET
import:         from AS6799 action pref=500; accept AS-OTENET
export:         to AS6799 announce ANY
remarks:        GCN
remarks:        SOFIA CONNECT
remarks:        SOFIA TELEHOUSE
import:         from AS37558 action pref=500; accept AS37558
export:         to AS37558 announce ANY
import:         from AS328615 action pref=500; accept AS328615
export:         to AS328615 announce ANY
import-via:     AS6777 from AS-ANY EXCEPT AS12713:AS-AMSIX accept ANY
export-via:     AS6777 to AS-ANY EXCEPT AS12713:AS-AMSIX announce AS-OTEGLOBE
remarks:        ====================================================
remarks:        PUBLIC PEERINGS
remarks:        We are located at the following internet exchange points:
remarks:        --------------------------------------
remarks:        AMS-IX Amsterdam, NL
remarks:        DEC-IX Frankfurt, GE
remarks:        LINX London, UK
remarks:        --------------------------------------
remarks:        If you would to set-up a peering, sent us an e-mail:
remarks:        peering@oteglobe.gr
remarks:        ====================================================
remarks:        The following BGP policy is applied to all customers
remarks:        - Private networks and AS numbers are not accepted
remarks:        - Prefixes longer than a /24 are not accepted.
remarks:        - Prefixes not matching import policy are rejected.
remarks:        Customers must always have a valid route object.
remarks:        We accept Route Objects from any IRR (ie RIPE, etc).
remarks:        - Prefix limit is placed upon the number of prefixes
remarks:        received including a percentage amount for future growth.
remarks:        - Advertisements tagged with communities other than
remarks:        the one outlined below are reset by default at ingress.
remarks:        - We honor well known communities
remarks:        no-export & no-advertise
remarks:        Community Support
remarks:        Customer Communities applied at ingress
remarks:        12713:5100 Athens KT1
remarks:        12713:5110 Athens KT2
remarks:        12713:5120 Athens NM1
remarks:        12713:5130 Athens NM2
remarks:        12713:5140 Athens LHX
remarks:        12713:5200 Amsterdam
remarks:        12713:5300 Frankfurt
remarks:        12713:5400 London
remarks:        12713:5600 Bucharest
remarks:        12713:5610 Istanbul
remarks:        12713:5620 Milan
remarks:        12713:5630 Nicosia
remarks:        12713:5640 Paris
remarks:        12713:5650 Skopje
remarks:        12713:5660 Sofia
remarks:        12713:5670 Thessalonica
remarks:        12713:5680 Tirane
remarks:        Upstream Communities applied at ingress
remarks:        12713:2200 Amsterdam
remarks:        12713:2300 Frankfurt
remarks:        12713:2400 London
remarks:        Public Peerings Communities applied at ingress
remarks:        12713:3200 Amsterdam (AMS-IX)
remarks:        12713:3300 Frankfurt (DEC-IX)
remarks:        12713:3400 London (LINX)
remarks:        Customer Traffic Engineering
remarks:        Community Action
remarks:        ---------- ----------------------
remarks:        12713:8080 Local preference = 80
remarks:        12713:8600 Local preference = 600
remarks:        12713:9001 Prepend to all Upstreams & Peers Once
remarks:        12713:9002 Prepend to all Upstreams & Peers Twice
remarks:        12713:9003 Prepend to all Upstreams & Peers Thrice
remarks:        12713:9004 Announce to all except Upstreams & Peers
remarks:        12713:9101 Prepend to Telia Sonera (AS1299) Once
remarks:        12713:9102 Prepend to Telia Sonera (AS1299) Twice
remarks:        12713:9103 Prepend to Telia Sonera (AS1299) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9104 Announce to all except Telia Sonera
remarks:        12713:9111 Prepend to Level3 (AS3356) Once
remarks:        12713:9112 Prepend to Level3 (AS3356) Twice
remarks:        12713:9113 Prepend to Level3 (AS3356) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9114 Announce to all except Level3
remarks:        12713:9121 Prepend to Deutsche Telekom (AS3320) Once
remarks:        12713:9122 Prepend to Deutsche Telekom (AS3320) Twice
remarks:        12713:9123 Prepend to Deutsche Telekom (AS3320) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9124 Announce to all except Deutsche Telekom
remarks:        12713:9131 Prepend to Cable&Wireless (AS1273) Once
remarks:        12713:9132 Prepend to Cable&Wireless (AS1273) Twice
remarks:        12713:9133 Prepend to Cable&Wireless (AS1273) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9134 Announce to all except Cable&Wireless
remarks:        12713:9141 Prepend to M247 (AS9009) Once
remarks:        12713:9142 Prepend to M247 (AS9009) Twice
remarks:        12713:9143 Prepend to M247 (AS9009) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9144 Announce to all except M247
remarks:        12713:9161 Prepend to OneCom (AS51185) Once
remarks:        12713:9162 Prepend to OneCom (AS51185) Twice
remarks:        12713:9163 Prepend to OneCom (AS51185) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9164 Announce to all except OneCom
remarks:        12713:9151 Prepend to Turk Telecom (AS6663) Once
remarks:        12713:9152 Prepend to Turk Telecom (AS6663) Twice
remarks:        12713:9153 Prepend to Turk Telecom (AS6663) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9154 Announce to all except M247
remarks:        12713:9201 Prepend to Facebook (AS32934) Once
remarks:        12713:9202 Prepend to Facebook (AS32934) Twice
remarks:        12713:9203 Prepend to Facebook (AS32934) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9204 Announce to all except Facebook
remarks:        12713:9211 Prepend to Leaseweb (AS16265) Once
remarks:        12713:9212 Prepend to Leaseweb (AS16265) Twice
remarks:        12713:9213 Prepend to Leaseweb (AS16265) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9214 Announce to all except Leaseweb
remarks:        12713:9221 Prepend to Google (AS15169) Once
remarks:        12713:9222 Prepend to Google (AS15169) Twice
remarks:        12713:9223 Prepend to Google (AS15169) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9224 Announce to all except Google
remarks:        12713:9231 Prepend to Apple (AS714) Once
remarks:        12713:9232 Prepend to Apple (AS714) Twice
remarks:        12713:9233 Prepend to Apple (AS714) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9234 Announce to all except Apple
remarks:        12713:9241 Prepend to Amazon (AS16509) Once
remarks:        12713:9242 Prepend to Amazon (AS16509) Twice
remarks:        12713:9243 Prepend to Amazon (AS16509) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9244 Announce to all except Amazon
remarks:        12713:9251 Prepend to Netflix (AS2906) Once
remarks:        12713:9252 Prepend to Netflix (AS2906) Twice
remarks:        12713:9253 Prepend to Netflix (AS2906) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9254 Announce to all except Netflix
remarks:        12713:9261 Prepend to CORE BACKBONE (AS33891) Once
remarks:        12713:9262 Prepend to CORE BACKBONE (AS33891) Twice
remarks:        12713:9263 Prepend to CORE BACKBONE (AS33891) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9264 Announce to all except CORE_BACKBONE
remarks:        12713:9271 Prepend to VERIZON DIGITAL MEDIA SERVICES (AS15133) Once
remarks:        12713:9272 Prepend to VERIZON DIGITAL MEDIA SERVICES (AS15133) Twice
remarks:        12713:9273 Prepend to VERIZON DIGITAL MEDIA SERVICES (AS15133) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9274 Announce to all except VERIZON DIGITAL MEDIA SERVICES
remarks:        12713:9281 Prepend to CDN77 (AS60068) Once
remarks:        12713:9282 Prepend to CDN77 (AS60068) Twice
remarks:        12713:9283 Prepend to CDN77 (AS60068) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9284 Announce to all except CDN77
remarks:        12713:9291 Prepend to HETZNER ONLINE (AS24940) Once
remarks:        12713:9292 Prepend to HETZNER ONLINE (AS24940) Twice
remarks:        12713:9293 Prepend to HETZNER ONLINE (AS24940) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9294 Announce to all except HETZNER ONLINE
remarks:        12713:9295 Prepend to Cloudflare (AS13335) Once
remarks:        12713:9296 Prepend to Cloudflare (AS13335) Twice
remarks:        12713:9297 Prepend to Cloudflare (AS13335) Thrice
remarks:        12713:9298 Announce to all except Cloudflare
remarks:        12713:9411 Prepend to AMS-IX peers Once
remarks:        12713:9412 Prepend to AMS-IX peers Twice
remarks:        12713:9413 Prepend to AMS-IX peers Thrice
remarks:        12713:9414 Announce to all except AMS-IX
remarks:        12713:9421 Prepend to LINX peers Once
remarks:        12713:9422 Prepend to LINX peers Twice
remarks:        12713:9423 Prepend to LINX peers Thrice
remarks:        12713:9424 Announce to all except LINX
remarks:        12713:9431 Prepend to DEC-IX peers Once
remarks:        12713:9432 Prepend to DEC-IX peers Twice
remarks:        12713:9433 Prepend to DEC-IX peers Thrice
remarks:        12713:9434 Announce to all except DEC-IX
admin-c:        GEBE-RIPE
admin-c:        HL4826-RIPE
tech-c:         TP6294-RIPE
status:         ASSIGNED
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
admin-c:        HL4826-RIPE
mnt-by:         OTE-ADMIN-MNT
created:        2002-06-26T19:07:53Z
last-modified:  2023-02-23T15:39:24Z
source:         RIPE

IPv4 地址范围
IPv4 地址段 描述 IP 数量 None 256 None 256 None 256 OTEGLOBE 256 OTEGLOBE 256 OTEGLOBE 256 OTEGLOBE 256 None 512 OTEGLOBE 512 None 256 OTEGLOBE 256 OTEGLOBE 256 OTEGLOBE 256 OTEGLOBE 512 Ote SA (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation) 256 Ote SA (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation) 256 Ote SA (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation) 256 Ote SA (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation) 256 NEMEA 256 Ote SA (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation) 256 Ote SA (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation) 256
IPv6 地址范围
IPv6 地址段 描述
2a00:1cb8:1::/48 OTEGlobe - OTE Global Solutions SA
2a00:1cb8:2::/48 None
2a00:1cb8:2000::/35 OTEGlobe - OTE Global Solutions SA